SONAX Brilliant Shine Detailer gently removes light contamination and restores a just-waxed shine to all paint finishes. This thick formula provides a deep shine plus added paint protection and repels water. Use SONAX Brilliant Shine Detailer any time to improve paint's luster and slickness.
SONAX Brilliant Shine Detailer is the maintenance product you've been waiting for to complete the SONAX series. It revives the shine of SONAX This product has the consistency similar to a spray wax and leaves a very slick, reflective finish. It offers performance, convenience, and a dynamite shine! SONAX Brilliant Shine Detailer cleans lightly soiled paint without scratching.
Because this product is thick by quick detailer standards, be sure to spread it evenly over the paint with your microfiber towel. Flip the towel often as you wipe off for the best results. Use SONAX Brilliant Shine Detailer any time on any type of paint.